Sponsors enrich the congress by supporting activities such as:
- Daily Packs featuring light lunches and coffee breaks to foster networking and collaboration.
- Speaker Packs associated with presentations from global terroir experts.
- Scholarship Packs to enable participation of local students and researchers.
- A special option for sponsoring a dinner or the closing lunch, offering unique branding opportunities and
further engagement with participants.
Proud Host of Monday´s dinner
Proud Host of Tuesday´s dinner
Proud Host of Wednesday´s dinner
Proud sponsor of soil health expert Dr. Cristina Lazcano
Proud sponsor of Monday´s catering
Proud Sponsor of Tuesday´s catering
Proud sponsor of the Welcome Cocktail, Simultaneous translation of Scientific sessions and climate expert Dr. Benjamin Bois
Proud sponsors of touristic activities for traveling companions
Proud Host o Thurfsday´s Local Wine Fair
Become a Partner or Sponsor
Organizations interested in partnership or sponsorship opportunities are invited to contact us
through the "Contact Us" section of our website. This section is under construction; more information will be
available soon.
Join us in making this congress a landmark event, promoting international collaboration and showcasing
Argentina's wine and terroir.