Abstracts Submission

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Types of communications

  1. Scientific Oral presentations (SO, 15 min): a) with abstract published in the conference proceedings or b) with a paper published in an Special Issue (SI) of OENO ONE (OO) or ‘Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (FCA)’ from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.

  2. Flash Oral presentations (FO, 5 min): with an abstract published in the conference proceedings.

  3. Poster (P) presentations: with abstracts published in the conference proceedings.

Scientific Sessions

A | Soil

  • Innovation in terroir studies.
  • Physical, chemical and microbiological properties of soils.
  • Soil health indicators.
  • Adaptation to soil through viticultural practices.
  • Performance of rootstocks in different soils.

B | Climate

  • Projections and scenarios of climate change.
  • Climate change impacts.
  • Climate-related challenges and opportunities for viticulture.
  • New technologies to assess climatic parameters.
  • Index and climate characterization.

C | Plant material and management

  • Selection of plant material and management practices in response to climate change projections.
  • Epigenetic mechanisms in grapevine acclimation.
  • Impact of soil and climate change on vines, wine quality and typicity.
  • Adaptation to climate through viticultural practices.
  • Grapevines phenotypic plasticity in response to changing environments.
  • Vineyard biodiversity and ecosystem services.

D | Malbec

  • Historical overview of Malbec.
  • Studies of Malbec cultivation and winemaking in Argentina and worldwide.
  • Properties of Malbec wines cultivated in different regions.

Call for abstracts

Participants are invited to submit:

  • Extended abstracts (3-5 pages) for Scientific Oral presentations (15 min) to be considered for publication as a full-length articles in special issues of Oeno One or Revista FCA until 14 April.
    The deadline for submission of full manuscripts is 15 June 2024.

  • Extended abstracts (3-5 pages) for Scientific Oral presentations and abstracts (300 words) for Flash Oral (5 min) and Poster presentations, to be published in the conference proceedings by 31 May 15 Jun 2024

  • Extended abstract and abstracts will be accepted prior to registration, but for publication in the conference proceedings or journals at least one of the authors must be registered for and attend the congress.

  • A maximum of two communications may be submitted by each registered participant.

  • For SO and FO presentations, registration of the speaker is mandatory. It is assumed that the corresponding author will give the presentation (otherwise the name of the speaker must be provided).

  • Please download extended abstracts and abstracts templates, as well as instructions for oral and poster presentation here.